Monday 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas, One and All.

Merry Christmas/Easter
See this picture? One feels that, since there is an economic crisis, it would be wise to set an example to all those out there without money and show how one would go about economising on things if one were in the same situation.

So to that end one's good friend and all round Bon Vivant Lord Michael Brown of Vancouver, Canada has designed this Christmas/Easter card combo. It captures both the essence of Easter and the joy of Christmas.

Furthermore, one can keep it on the mantelpiece for at least four months, depending on when Easter falls next year of course.

One thinks it’s a winner and one is drawing up other national customs combos to promote financial prudence; Valentines/Halloween, Guy Fawkes/Mothers Day and finally Gay pride/April fool.

But enough of all that. Merry Christmas to one and all irrespective of class, finances, status and all that sort of thing. One supposes we're all the same in the eyes of the chap at the top.

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