Thursday 19 April 2012

Capitalist Woman!

One can scarcely contain one's anger for much longer! Modern society has completely objectified women to an extent never before seen in the history of mankind. Just look at this photograph.

By forcing women to be thin Captialism has subjugated them to a second class existence no different to what it was 100 years ago. 

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Brievik's Arse on Trial.

Just writing about that damn fool in Norway! Just look at the twonk. Massacred 77 unarmed people. It's a disgrace!

What I didn't get was that he was protesting against Islam yet he killed a load of Christians?! What's that all about? He's the last one anyone would want on their own side!

Everybody gets angry and all that from time to time but that doesn't mean one can go around shooting people, no Sir by Jimeny it does not!

What you do is thrash the servants.That always lifts my spirits don cha know.

There’s only one thing to do with his sort; round all of them up, stick them on a small island and shoot the lot of em. That's the only language that sort understand.

Sunday 15 April 2012

The President of the United States

Talking Baraks or pure Mitt?
Just writing about the Presidential Candidates in the United States of America for the 2012 Election; Barak Obama and Mitt Romney.

What the blazes were their parents thinking when they named these people. And just who in God's name was Newt?

What happened to good ole fashioned names that have been the mainstay of modern Western Culture. Names like, well Percy for starters, short for Percival and named after Persius of Greek Mythology.

Then there are other great names; Farquhar, was one of my favourites. Then there is my blasted son Cuthbert. Also Quentin, Crispin, Barrington, Tarquin and Tarkwell and don't forget my first ex-wife Blitherington Farquhar-Farquharson.

Saturday 14 April 2012

Titanic Loss!

1500 lost to the sea.
A little over one hundred years ago this the SS Titanic sank in the North Atlantic Ocean after colliding with an enormous Cheeseburger.

This disaster is a poignant reminder of the fragility of human nature, for while we are confident our nature dictates that sometimes some idiot somewhere will error as we set forth to travel, explore and unify our humble planet.

Monday 9 April 2012

One Must Protest!

Trenton Oldfield - Get Him Out!!
One is writing to express one's abhorrence regarding the disruption to the Oxford v Cambridge Boat race on Saturday! It was a disgrace!

Egads just what the blazes was going through that man's mind! He clearly has no idea how to protest properly. Where was the dignity and respect for other people's enjoyment on this day?

Erika Roe - Get Them Out!!

What he should have done was to get his ex-wife to take her top off. That would have been alot more fun and a damn sight better than watching a load of tedious, wet, undergraduates shuffling sticks in a boat!