Wednesday 15 February 2012

My Arse

Two arses 
I had to open the kitchen door with my arse today! That servant strike is on day number five and there are no stinkers dogs-bodies servants left on the estate to clear up after one!!

Had to make ONESELF a blasted coffee today! The indignity of it all! Picked up the coffee, stuck the newspaper under my arm, picked up the biscuit tin
and tried going to the lounge to lounge around in for the rest of the afternoon.

Got stuck at the first hurdle which was the kitchen door. Arms were full and the wretched door was shut! Had to manouvre my asre over the blasted handle to get the damn thing open! The rate things are going I'm going to have to grow another arse just to get through the day! The inconvenience of it all!


  1. well done Sir Percy; it'a good to see that you've moved forward the art of arsemanship yet again!

  2. Farquars! Arsemanship. Yes this is an aquired skill that I yet seem not to have. Unless it's the arses of the servants whom one can kick from one end of the estate to the other.
