Friday, 16 March 2012

American Firepower

Can't shoot straight
Just been reading about some American soldier chappie who killed sixteen unarmed civilians in Afghanistan! Even then most of them were asleep in bed!!

Sixteen civilians shot dead by a professional soldier! It's a absolutely ghastly! Only sixteen!

One clearly recalls Blacksburg Virginia in 2007 a student with a gun killed thirty-three people whilst they were awake. And they were running around all over the place. How is that for marksmanship? And he wasn't even a soldier.

It just goes to show how important good training is these days. Regrettably, this seems to be lacking in the modern US military.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Drought Declared in Southern England!

My Drought!
By Jove those jonnies at the weather bureau are right for a change! There is a drought! Can't believe it!

This is a terrible state of affairs! What is going on in the World? A drought in March. I just don't know what has come over me. I must be losing it. 

They are completely correct of course. I haven't had a Gin & Tonic for well over an evening! Now that is what one calls a drought! Off to the boozer one thinks.

Friday, 9 March 2012

What a Load of Bulimics!

These Bulimics make one want to puke! 
One is writing to express one's monstrous disgust at the so called syndrom of Bulimia. This is the practice of idiots who stuff themselves stupid at functions, banquets all that sort of thing and then pop off to the Kharzi only to vomit it all up!

I know lent is a time for giving up things but that means not eating it in the first place. Not gorging on it then throwing it all up! That's not very sporting is it! What would Churchill think of that?!

I mean there are starving servants all over the country  who would shoot themselves if they knew what these Bulimics were doing. It's a disgrace! a damn disgrace! 

These Bulimics are not good for anything. The whole lot of them make me want to throw up!!!

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

The New IPad

I say! Just been given one of those IPads from those Johnnies at a business called Apple! They gave me one before it's release tomorrow! Now they are a really nice collection of fellows. Really friendly and open. Just the sort of chaps that that the chaps like.

Anyway, the IPad is an absolute wonder. It's so simple and easy to use that one wonders how one ever did without it. I can't get enough of the thing

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Greeks Taking Gifts!

Waiting for Cement to Dry....
What's this tosh about giving Greeks loads of Money?!

Apparently they over-spent by billions during the last twenty years thinking they would not have to pay it back!

I mean those who lent them the money in the first place must have needed their heads examining. I mean the evidence for them being a bunch of layabouts is there for all the world to see.

Yes it's the Parthenon. They started constructing that blasted restaurant in 447 B.C. and they still haven't finished it! No wonder the whole country has gone down the pan.