Saturday, 18 February 2012

Crivens! Look at that!

Lawks a-lordy! Just take a look at that bit of stuff EVENING DRESSShe's IT'S fantastic! By Jove She's IT'S spectacular! Crivens I've got to have her ONE for  a function on Friday evening  THE REFENCE CATALOGUE. My God man she's IT'S incredible. Look at the size of them COLOUR, PATTERN AND CUT. VERY NICE INDEED DON'T YOU KNOW.

I bet she's gagging for it REALLY PLEASED WITH IT! I must say that I'm on  top form after seeing this one OF THE OPINION THAT THIS COULD BECOME THE LASTEST FASHION ACCESSORY. 

I wonder where I can find her ONE. If anybody knows where I can get my hands on this bit of totty BUY ONE then for God's sake let me know.


Wednesday, 15 February 2012

My Arse

Two arses 
I had to open the kitchen door with my arse today! That servant strike is on day number five and there are no stinkers dogs-bodies servants left on the estate to clear up after one!!

Had to make ONESELF a blasted coffee today! The indignity of it all! Picked up the coffee, stuck the newspaper under my arm, picked up the biscuit tin

Saturday, 11 February 2012

The Savant Servants are Striking

Blithering Idiots!
The blasted servants have gone on strike! Again! Just what on Earth is that all about?! I pay these stinkers to do work and what do they do? They don't do it!

I mean what is the point of hiring someone to do a job and then they turn to me and say 'I'm not going to do it?' I mean what is the bloody point that was what I hired them for! These people aren't employees they're Communists!

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Cold Snap!

Can't imagine the suffering
One was relaxing on the Estate today and one noticed as distinct drop in temperature. One was very perturbed! I mean this isn't the sort of temperatures one expects at this time of year in these parts.

Irritated one ushered the waiter and gave him what for about the drop in temperature. Naturally the fool didn't speak a word of English and ran away as I stood up in order to start thrashing him for the second time that morning.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Valentine's Day Saviour.

From the bottom of my pocket
Valentines day soon. Need to express to some of my playmates how much I feel for them. Only problem is that there are so many. What does one do in circumstances such as these?

Well those boffins at Tesco have come up trumps with their line of superb cards for ones that one loves ever so dearly.