Communal Latrines Reduce Water Bills |
Although production of weapons has increased over the last year or two, what with conflagrations in Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, not forgetting ever increasing demand from those drug barons in Mexico, the overall effect would not justify the increased water bill.
So what has been going on? Well after installing CCTV cameras all over the place it turns out that it is the fault of those wretched little workers.
It transpires that the bleeders have been using the toilets in the factory instead of their own ones at home to save money! What a ghastly shower of individuals.
Never to be out smarted by ’Le Grande Levee’ I had all the toilets torn out and replaced with communal dry latrines. This serves two purposes: the first is to cut down on the water bill and the second is to keep those blasted workers in their seats.
You see those dry latrines are an absolute abomination, they stink the place out within seconds and secondly you can't sit on em because they are a bit like a cat litter tray.
It’s so humiliating having to use those things that only the really desperate use them. Everybody else waits until they get back home before using the toilet.
Since being installed the water bill has gone down and production has gone up. Bonus