Tuesday 26 November 2013

Hats Orff...

Good God what the bloody hell is going on!?

I've seen some damn fool things in my time but this marks the beginning of the end. What was this individual thinking? They must be on drugs or worse still, blended scotch!

And just look at the colour of that material. I wouldn't be seen dead in it. It's a cross between pink lavatory paper and 50,000 volts through a person's wedding tackle! It's a disgrace!

Just how in God's name can someone like this hold their head up in the air and in public too unless they were demented? I mean just look at the slovenly way he has left his monocle dangling from his collar! And not only is his cravat that dreadful colour I alluded to earlier but he has tied it using Scrunch/Ruche instead of traditional. I wouldn't be seen dead in the Scrunch/Ruche anywhere other than at Ascot it's just not fig.

And the bleeder is walking round with his mouth open! What is he a basking shark? He should be harpooned!

As for Dame Blitherington Farquhar-Farquharson standing behind him she looks very nice.

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