Just been reading on wikipedia and also BBC Radio 4 about the causes of climate change. The Radio programme had both sides of the argument making pertinent points and giving credible evidence to promote their ideas. On the one hand the pro-climate change lobby showed that the current change in global temperatures is due to mankind, which incidently is predominately people of the working classes so it is their fault.
Just been reading an article on the BBC website about a science boffin called Stephen Hawking who thinks that helping people to kill themselves is morally acceptable. This is more commonly known as 'Assisted Suicide' Hawking was partially spurned to write this as his own condition is not all that tickety-boo from having sat idly in a chair all his life. One is not too happy-go-lucky about this subject feeling that life is for living and that any chance a person has of keeping hold of it should be embraced and all that sort of thing.
One doesn't often delve into the world of politics as there is simply more money to be made selling weapons. Nevertheless one likes to think that one is open-minded enough to not entirely discount political issues as piles of tish.
The European Union, for instance. Should we be in or out? Well in the current state of this bastion for all things homogenised and rendered virtually irrelevant as a result of decisions made by committees, one is inclinded to say out.
Just had the Apple iOS 7 update downloaded onto my telephone.
This is the new operating system that the boffins at the Apple corporation have been touting as a revolutionary change from the past. They have been publicising this for months now and have finally released it.