Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Monday 19 March 2012

Moral Fabric? Moral Filth More Like!!

Pure Filth! Now that was a racey flick
I'm just writing to complain about the lack of moral fibre in today's youth. It's a disgrace! Why just the other day I heard two of em having sexual intercourse in their hotel room and they weren't even married. Not even to each other! What the hell is the matter with these people No moral compass and all that sort of thing!?

No sir! This sort of thing has got to stop! All my life I've been guided by strong moral principles. Yes Sir! That's me.

Friday 9 March 2012

What a Load of Bulimics!

These Bulimics make one want to puke! 
One is writing to express one's monstrous disgust at the so called syndrom of Bulimia. This is the practice of idiots who stuff themselves stupid at functions, banquets all that sort of thing and then pop off to the Kharzi only to vomit it all up!

I know lent is a time for giving up things but that means not eating it in the first place. Not gorging on it then throwing it all up! That's not very sporting is it! What would Churchill think of that?!

I mean there are starving servants all over the country  who would shoot themselves if they knew what these Bulimics were doing. It's a disgrace! a damn disgrace! 

These Bulimics are not good for anything. The whole lot of them make me want to throw up!!!

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Strategy to End World Poverty

Poor Bastards
One is fully behind the reduce poverty campaigns dont cha know! It's outrageous that in the 21st Century there are thousands and thousands of poor people in the world. No millions! Yes millions. It's a disgrace! All these people could be doing something fruitful and productive with their lives.

This is what needs to be done to reduce poverty levels?

  1. Well the first thing is that these layabouts should go out and get a blasted job!
  2. Second thing is that all wages for servants should be cut! At least by two thirds.
  3. Thirdly, all basic foodstuff prices should be put up to unacceptable levels thus encouraging these individuals to pull their socks up.
  4. Finally, anyone remaining after the above recommendations have been implimented should be taken outside and shot. Although they will probably be outside anyway.
If that doesn't bring down the quantity of poor people nothing will.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Cheer up for Christ's sake!

Add meaning to life; Shoot some animals
Just found about some place in Switzerland called Dignitas.

Apparently if you've had enough of things you can go there and top yourself! For Free!!

What sort of person does that? They must be sick! I mean I know things can get one down every now and then but really life is for living! Look on the bright side, keep your chin up and all that.

If you think that there is no hope or are wrapped in despair and can't face life any more then do what I do. I go outside and shoot some animals. Never fails don cha know!

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Food From Nowhere?!

Biscuit in Mouth
Tried out a dash of speed dating last night. Was talking to this hottie from Ryhl when all of a sudden this large piece of food appeared at the side of her mouth?!

My God what is the world coming to? Where on Earth did it come from? Anyone would think that she had been storing it there to finish off later on. I mean I had been talking to her for about ten minutes and in that time she had eaten nothing! My God it could have been there since Monday evening.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Benefits of Stress

An example of an Incapacity Benefit Claimant
Just read about the number of people claiming government incapacity benefit. It's a disgrace! What's the matter with these people? Anyone would think that there is something wrong with them!

Incapacity Benefits should be scrapped. Instead these people should be given a cash incentive of £1,000,000 to get off their fat backsides and earn and honest living. That will show the stinkers.